Measuring technics

Cathodic protection requires professional commissioning and regular, expert maintenance. The application of numerous measuring techniques provides the decisive data basis for the evaluation of the protected structure.


The commissioning of new CP systems consists of the preliminary test and adjustment of the CP, the re-measurement, the proof of the effectiveness of the CP and the determination of the reference values according to DVGW GW 10.

Defect finding

In the event of malfunctions in the operation of the CP, inadmissible foreign contacts and defects in protective structures and measuring points must be located and eliminated as part of the repair work.


The objective of planning a CP system in accordance with DVGW GW 10 is to determine a technically and economically optimised solution with regard to its installation and with regard to influencing issues.

Evidence remote inspection category

In the course of the realisation of a remote inspection category, the respective category must be metrologically proven by means of a measurement programme.

Influence measurement

Interference from stray currents can impair the effectiveness of the CP or make it difficult to prove its effectiveness. As a remedy, influence measurements according to DVGW GW 21 can be used.

Intensive holidays location

Intensive holiday location to identify sheath faults and determine sheath quality can be carried out under operating conditions or with significantly increased protective current.

Intensive measurement

Intensive measurement in accordance with DVGW GW 27 is the usual measurement procedure for identifying coating holidays and proving the effectiveness of the CP at all coating faults in the pipe run.

Measurements during construction

Measurements in the course of construction work on pipelines to prove the CP at holidays and to assess coating and pipeline damage

Monitoring measurements

The inspection includes checking the function and effectiveness of the CP in accordance with DVGW GW 10.

Polarisation current measurement, limiting current measurements/calculations

Determination of the coating quality, comparative methods for demonstrating the effectiveness of the CP with high coating quality

Protected area investigation

In the case of large cathodic protection areas with coupling of different network sections, a protection area survey can enable the application of the CP in these or restore the CP in the case of changes in the network sections.

Safety checks

Measurement inspection of installed safety equipment and the buildings


If the documentation of a CP system is insufficient or if it is to be completely digitised, an stock-taking can provide all the necessary data.